The MLS BCS E-lists are email lists that our members can join in order to market their listings to other Brokers. These Broker to Broker (b2b) emails allow our members to communicate professionally with each other on listings, rental properties, and other real estate-related topics. This system is designed to be maintained by each member.

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Celeste Santillano Gonzalez

Ventura One

Karina Ureña

Ventura One

Ivan Tamayo Ramos

Ventura One

Daniela Olivieri

Ventura One

Ana Corral

Ventura One

Enrique Gonzalez Gamboa

Ventura One

Ana Maria Acosta Morales

Ventura One

Jorge Garcia Tamayo

Ventura One

John Berliner

Villa la Estancia

Jacobo Estrada

Villa la Estancia

Deborah Ford

Villa la Estancia

Andres Petrone

Villas in Cabo

Marguerite Delfino

Villas in Cabo

Michael Balch

Vista del Mar

Ellen Balch

Vista del Mar

Myles Balch

Vista del Mar

Olivia Hernandez

Vista Properties

Cody Underdahl


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