The MLS BCS E-lists are email lists that our members can join in order to market their listings to other Brokers. These Broker to Broker (b2b) emails allow our members to communicate professionally with each other on listings, rental properties, and other real estate-related topics. This system is designed to be maintained by each member.
Mexico’s most extensive, comprehensive MLS system is open to all qualifying real estate professionals in Baja California Sur. Apart from the standards and regulations that govern its use, MLS BCS has the nation’s most restrictive and elite MLS system. Agents must work under the supervision of a subscribed broker. Furthermore, new brokers must have the requisite experience, an established business location, and a fiscal presence in Mexico and the Municipality. All subscribers are held to the highest professional standards in the nation.
Interested? We kindly invite you to read the MLS BCS Rules and the requirements set forth in the subscription forms. Please feel free to contact for any questions.